Langtang Valley Trek

Langtang Valley Trek


Join us on the Langtang Valley Trek into a remote valley tucked away in the heart of the Himalayas on the Nepal-Tibet border.  Meet the resilient residents of the Langtang region, and experience Buddhist culture which hails from their ancestral roots to the north.  Trek past roaring mountain streams and visit a monastery, all while climbing towards a stunning panoramic view of Langtang National Park.

Start and Finish  Kathmandu, Nepal

Trip Length  11 days

Max Elevation  4800 meters

Group Size  Min 1, Max 12

Physical Rating  Challenging

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Langtang Trek Highlights

  • Trek along roaring mountain streams through subtropical valleys teeming with monkeys and dense rhododendron forests.
  • Climb to the top of Kyanjin Ri to catch a glimpse into the snow capped peaks of Tibet.
  • Traverse ancient paths lined with miles of stone walls engraved with ancient Buddhist mantras.
  • Explore timeless Sherpa villages and meet the men and women who have sustained life in this unforgiving landscape for generations.
  • Learn about the inspiring recovery and rebuilding of the valley after the 2015 earthquake, and its lasting impact on the men and women who call this valley home.

Is this trip for me?

  • This route is one of the lesser known treks in Nepal, and you will be exploring regions with significantly less traffic than our Everest Base Camp Trek.
  • The Langtang Valley Trek is physically demanding and requires trekking for up to 8 hours per day at elevations of over 4000 meters.
  • You will be staying in “tea houses” while in the valley, with local Nepali hosts in basic accommodations.  During the trek toilets will often be squat style, and showers may be “bucket showers” with water heated on the stove.
  • There is no road access to the valley, and all supplies are packed into the tea houses up thousands of meters.  Meal options at higher elevations will often include local staples such as “Dhal Bhat,” which will be prepared in classic Nepali style.


Day 1 Kathmandu

  • Arrive in Kathmandu by 3 pm, and meet your trip leader at the hotel for a team meeting.  Go over your trekking gear with your trip leader, and pick up any last minute equipment for your adventure.  If you arrive early, explore the ancient winding streets of the bazars in Thamel, or practice your haggling skills with the local vendors.

Day 2 Kathmandu – Syabrubesi

  • Set out from Kathmandu via a private jeep, leaving the city behind and setting off across the countryside of rural Nepal.  Wind your way through tight mountain roads, passing through pristine fields and villages perched on seemingly impossible mountainsides.  The last stretch of the route into Langtang National Park is a primitive road, so hang on for the bumpy ride and don’t forget to stop to take in the views along the way.  Arrive in Syabrubesi by late afternoon, and spend your night here at a basic tea house.

Day 3 Syabrubesi – Lama Hotel

  • Set out from Syabrubesi at 1500 meters, climbing steadily towards “Lama Hotel,” a small collection of tea houses grouped along the Langtang Trek at over 2500 meters.  Trek along the roaring Langtang River, through dense rhododendron and bamboo forests.  As you gain elevation, catch the view of Syabrubesi in the valley below, and then enjoy a well deserved evening of rest with your hosts in a tea house at Lama Hotel.

Day 4 Lama Hotel – Langtang Village

  • As you continue up the valley in the morning, catch your first views of the soaring white peaks that tower over the Langtang Valley.  Stop for tea at a lodge along the river to take in the view of Langtang Ri, framed by the wooded slopes of the Langtang Valley ahead.  Make your way through alpine meadows used by the local residents for generations as yack pastures, and arrive in the village of Langtang by late afternoon.  Tonight’s stay will be in a guest house with a family that has called this valley home for generations.  Be sure to take time to listen to their stories of the challenges and rewards of life in this beautiful and unforgiving landscape.

Day 5 Langtang Village – Kyanjin

  • From here the Langtang Valley Trek follows the route used for centuries by the inhabitants of the valley.  Travel along ancient stone Mani walls, inscribed with sacred Buddhists mantras and prayers.  The trail after Langtang Village is significantly less steep than the previous day’s climb, and you will have plenty of time to stop for tea or even local yack cheese along the way if desired.  Stay in the village of Kyanjin at 3870 meters, and meet some of the Sherpas who serve as climbing guides for expeditions in these remote peaks.  Enjoy the pristine view from the village, with glaciers and distant ridgelines towering in the distance.

Day 6 Kyanjin Ri

  • Today is a free day, and you will have the option to relax in the village or take on a day hike further up the valley.  If you are up to the challenge, wake up early to climb the nearby Kyanjin Ri, at 4,800 meters, for a stunning sunrise over the valley.  There are also plenty of less strenuous options, including a short day hike to view the surrounding glaciers.  Savor one last night in Kyanjin, and come to appreciate the timeless lifestyle of the valley, seemingly so distant and removed from the rest of the world below.

Day 7  Kyanjin – Lama Hotel

  • Begin your descent down the valley, for a long day of trekking back towards Lama hotel.  Stop in to see the Monastery along the way, and wander through fields of engraved Stupas, sacred Buddhist monuments.  Stay in a tea house along the river, and relish one last view of the snow capped peaks in the park.

Day 8  Lama Hotel – Syabrubesi

  • Continue your descent along the Langtang River over suspension bridges and down ancient stone stairs.  Trekking poles will be helpful here for keeping your balance on the descent.  Arrive back in the village of Syabrubesi in the evening, and spend one last night in a tea house.

Day 9 Syabrubesi – Kathmandu

  • Enjoy a leisurely breakfast as your legs recover from the trek, and start the journey back toward Kathmandu via private jeep once you are ready.  Arrive in Kathmandu in the evening, and stay with a local family in a guest house in Kathmandu.  Share stories of your adventure, and experience a classic Nepali dinner with your hosts.

Day 10 Kathmandu

  • Spend a day exploring the city, starting with a visit to the “Monkey Temple,” known locally as Swayambhunath. Explore the narrow streets and bazaars of the old city, and experience the bustling markets surrounding Durbar Square.  Say goodbye to your trip leader with a farewell dinner in Kathmandu, and spend one last night with your host family.

Day 11 Departure

  • There are no scheduled events for your last day, and you are free to depart at any time.  If you would like to continue your stay in Nepal, consider taking the Langtang Valley Trek as an acclimatization trek to prepare for the Everest Base Camp Trek.


Included in the trip price:

  • All accommodation
  • Private jeep transportation to and from the Langtang Valley
  • English speaking local trip leader
  • Porters
  • Trekking permit fees

Not included:

  • International flights to and from Kathmandu
  • Travel insurance, which is a requirement for the trip
  • Meals, bringing 350 USD cash is suggested to cover meals during the trek
  • Tips for guides and porters
  • Visa

Book a Private Trip

Do none of the above group tour dates work for your schedule?  Are you wanting to book a private trip for yourself or a group of friends?  Reach out to us today to book this itinerary as a private trip.  Our staff will work with you to craft your custom once in a lifetime adventure!

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